Make your brands buzz

Dyll 360

“Hi! I’m Byll, the bzz-y bee mascot of Dyll.”

Pronounced like the herb, Dyll [ dil ] is a 360-degree advertising agency driven to give our Clients powerful brand identities that resonate with consumers.

Ever since we buzzed into being in 2004, Dyll has been busying itself with advertising and promotions that look good, feel good, and get remembered—thus contributing to positive brand awareness, increased brand equity, and deeper brand love for our Clients.

Our commitment to 360-degree cohesiveness of ad campaigns begins with our discipline in Strategic Planning which cascades to our Creative Concept Boards that lie at the core of all our campaign ideas. This helps ensure instant recognizability for a brand whenever a consumer comes in contact with it.

Whether on traditional or digital or below-the-line consumer touchpoints—let’s make your brand buzz!


Why integrated marketing?

Why integrated marketing?

Dyll is a Philippine-based ad agency dedicated to helping brands buzz through integrated marketing campaigns.

In the simplest terms, integrated marketing communications (IMC) is often expressed as having advertising materials that share one face, one voice across all media channels. With the number of communication options increasing and changing so fast, that’s much, much easier said than done these days.

Yet some things never change. The key to building a brand that is recognized, remembered and sought after is to make its marketing campaigns work like a beehive. Each hexagon is an ad material, a promo, a consumer touch point and so on. Each is separate, yet they all come together to strengthen the brand as a whole.

Visit our internet marketing arm, iDyll Digital, for integrated marketing online.